Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme
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Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme

  • 37278-89-0

  • N/a

  • N/a

  • Non-nutritional

  • Barrel

  • Normal

What is xylanase enzyme?
Xylanase enzyme is contained commonly in a variety of feed ingredients, like wheat, rye, corn, cereal by-products, soybean meal, etc. Whereas, xylan is indigestible compound for non-ruminant, and causes a significant anti-nutritional affect by increasing chyme viscosity and preventing absorption of protein and energy. Xylanase in diets help remove anti-nutrition of xylan and reduce feed cost savings.
Product Name
Best price mannanase and xylanase food grade xylanase enzyme
white powder
Feed Grade
xylanase price;xylanase enzyme price;xylanase enzyme
Keep in a cool, dry, dark location in a tightly sealed container or cylinder.
Shelf Life
24 Months

Lactase Enzyme(Beta-galactosidase)


Lactase (β-Galactosidase, EC, also known as β-galactosidase, hydrolyzes lactose to produce glucose and galactose. The lactase produced by the company is derived from Aspergillus oryzae and is a food grade lactase preparation purified by a biological fermentation method

Characteristic characteristics

1. Temperature range:The effective temperature range is 30 ° C ~ 70 ° C,The optimum temperature range is 50 ° C ~ 60 ° C.

2. PH range: The effective pH range is 2.5~6.0, and the optimal pH range is 3.5~50.

3. Product specifications :White powder with an enzyme activity of 100,000 ALU/g.


For a long time, lactase production for hydrolysis of milk and milk caramel. It can also be used for the processing of a range of other dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream, desserts, butter and cheese.
We specialize in the manufacture of lactase can be used as aid digestion agent used in dietary supplements. Moreover, it applies to add in yoghurt SD yogurt in food processing.
The role of the enzyme has a transglycosylation, can also be used for the production of functional galactooligosaccharides.

Company Breif Introction

Newgen Biotech(NingBo) is the GMP standard manufacturer with R&D center for medical, food & nutrition supplements, probiotics, fermented products etc. in China with GMP, HACCP, ISO22000, Halal, Kosher, etc. certificates in China.

Our main products including Alpha-galactosidase, Beta-glucan(from fungus, Sparassis Crispa Source), Embroidered Aureus Powder,Kombucha, Probitics; Lactase (Beta-galactosidase), Serrapeptase, Proline endonuclease(PESP), Nattokinase, Invertase, Peptidase, etc, which are widely used in medical material, food and nutrition supplements.

What we can offer?

1. GMP standard high quality enzymes & nutrition supplemental products;

2. Full Technical Support;

3. Featured Competitive Products(Beta-glucan(Sparassis Crispa Source), Propyl endonuclease(PESP), Serrapeptase, & Lactase)

4. Free Sample Test

Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme
Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme Best Price Mannanase and Xylanase Food Grade Xylanase Enzyme
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